Advanced Warehouse Simulation Platform

Led a team through a 3-month vision phase, securing $XXXk budget for a year-long project.


Design Director


Discovery, Research, Concept, Elaboration


Our client, a leader in warehouse logistics solutions, faced a critical operational challenge. Their Solution Consultants, responsible for creating warehouse design concepts, were unable to perform basic simulations independently. Instead, they relied heavily on expensive simulation engineers and complex algorithms for every small estimate. This dependency not only increased operational costs but also slowed down the design process significantly.

The client envisioned a solution that would empower their Solution Consultants to conduct basic simulations autonomously, reducing the reliance on specialized engineers and streamlining the warehouse design process. However, translating this vision into a practical, user-friendly tool posed significant challenges.

The task at hand was to develop an innovative SaaS platform that would simplify complex simulation processes, making them accessible to non-technical users while maintaining the accuracy and reliability needed for effective warehouse design. This solution needed to balance user-friendliness with powerful functionality, bridging the gap between technical complexity and practical usability.

While the goal was clear, the path to achieving it was fraught with obstacles. As we embarked on this ambitious project, we encountered several significant challenges that tested our team's skills, creativity, and perseverance:

  1. Ambiguous Vision: Despite having a clear problem to solve, the client struggled to articulate a concrete vision for the solution, requiring extensive clarification and refinement.

  2. Technical Complexity: Translating complex simulation algorithms into user-friendly interfaces demanded a deep understanding of both engineering principles and user experience design.

  3. Skill Gap: Our team of relatively junior designers, while talented, required substantial mentoring to navigate the complexities of this specialized domain.

  4. Interdisciplinary Communication: Bridging the gap between engineering logic and user-centric design necessitated constant interpretation of technical jargon for both our team and the client.

  5. Stakeholder Alignment: Frequent internal feedback sessions and user interviews were crucial to ensure our evolving design aligned with both the client's vision and end-user needs.

As Design Director, my responsibilities extended beyond mere team leadership:
  1. Proof of Concept Development: Guide the team in creating an innovative proof of concept for the SaaS simulation platform, an area where we had limited prior expertise.

  2. Balanced Leadership: Strike a delicate balance between providing hands-on guidance and fostering team discovery and learning.

  3. Strategic Involvement: Actively participate in strategy formulation and creation of UX mockups to set the direction and standards for the project.

  4. Collaborative Innovation: Conduct workshops to break down silos and encourage innovative thinking across the team.

  5. Team Empowerment: Implement team bonding exercises and confidence-building activities to enhance the team's ability to develop POCs and foster inter-team collaboration.

  6. Skill Development: Mentor the team in areas of warehouse simulation and SaaS platform design, areas that were new to many team members.

My role was to not only lead but to actively shape the project's direction, foster a collaborative environment, and build the team's capabilities in this new domain.


In developing our approach, we drew inspiration from B.J. Fogg's Behavioral Model, which states that for a behavior to occur, three elements must converge: Motivation, Ability, and a Prompt. We applied this model to help Solution Consultants build the habit of using the new simulation platform:

  1. Motivation: We focused on demonstrating how the platform could save time, reduce frustration, and empower consultants to deliver better results to clients. By highlighting these benefits, we aimed to increase their desire to use the new tool.

  2. Ability: We designed the platform to be as user-friendly as possible, breaking down complex simulations into simple, intuitive steps. This approach made the task of running simulations feel easier and more achievable for non-technical users.

  3. Prompt: We integrated well-timed reminders and suggestions within the consultants' existing workflow tools, prompting them to use the simulation platform at optimal moments in their design process.

By aligning Motivation, Ability and Prompt, we created an environment conducive to forming new habits. The platform was designed not just as a tool, but as a behavior change catalyst, encouraging Solution Consultants to naturally incorporate simulations into their regular workflow.

This approach helped us move beyond mere feature development to create a solution that actively encouraged and supported the adoption of new, more efficient work practices.


Our strategy focused on collaborative innovation, continuous learning, and bridging the gap between technical complexity and user-friendly design. We employed a multifaceted approach that included:
  1. Vision Clarification:

    • Conducted extensive user interviews and workshops using Miro to understand and refine the client's vision.

    • Engaged in continuous refinement and brainstorming sessions to clarify ambiguous requirements.

  2. Technical Translation:

    • Worked closely with engineers to break down complex simulation logic into user-friendly components.

    • Developed a deep understanding of engineering jargon to effectively communicate between technical and design teams.

  3. Team Leadership and Mentorship:

    • Provided active mentorship to the junior design team, guiding them through the complexities of the project.

    • Conducted regular internal feedback sessions to ensure alignment and progress.

  4. Iterative Design Process:

    • Implemented an agile design methodology, allowing for rapid prototyping and iterations.

    • Focused on creating intuitive interfaces that simplified complex simulation processes for non-technical users.

  5. Stakeholder Management:

    • Maintained clear communication with the client, translating their needs into actionable design elements.

    • Held frequent feedback sessions to ensure the solution met evolving requirements.


The project yielded significant outcomes, transforming the client's vision into a tangible solution that addressed their core challenges and positioned them for future growth:
  1. Successfully developed a proof-of-concept that empowered Solution Consultants to perform basic simulations independently.

  2. Secured $XXXk budget approval for a year-long project, demonstrating the concept's potential and viability.

  3. Reduced dependency on simulation engineers for small estimates, potentially lowering operational costs.

  4. Created an intuitive solution that simplified complex warehouse design processes for non-technical users.

  5. Positioned the client at the forefront of warehouse design innovation, opening avenues for significant business expansion.

This project provided valuable learnings into managing complex, innovative projects with a developing team in a specialized domain:
  1. The importance of effective mentorship in guiding junior team members through complex, specialized projects.

  2. The value of interdisciplinary communication in translating technical concepts into user-friendly designs.

  3. The critical role of continuous stakeholder engagement in refining and realizing ambiguous project visions.

  4. The power of simplifying complex processes to empower users and drive operational efficiency.

In the end, this experience reinforced the power of mentorship and adaptability in tackling ambitious technological challenges, marking a significant milestone in my career as a design leader. It was a journey of empowerment and innovation transforming complex engineering concepts into accessible tools.

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