AI-Powered Healthcare Platform

Client-acclaimed concept to reduce business operational costs, optimize patient targeting, and lay the foundation for a long-term AI-integrated design strategy.


Design Director


Discovery, Innovation & Concept


⚠️ Confidentiality Notice: This project was completed within the last year, so details are limited to a high-level approach. If your organization faces similar challenges, let's discuss how I can help.

As Design Director, I was assigned to lead a new client project initially described as a visual design uplift of a healthcare platform. This project held significant strategic importance, as its success would potentially lead to longer-term contracts with the client. I was responsible for not only delivering a successful project but also for establishing a positive working relationship with the client and making a strong impression during this pivotal two-month engagement.

Within a week of deeper engagement, I discovered that the client's needs were far more comprehensive than initially presented. It became clear that the project required a complete reconceptualization of their platform's future vision, including the integration of AI to enhance its intelligence and functionality.

What had begun as a simple redesign was quickly evolving into an opportunity to reimagine the future of healthcare technology.


As the true scope of the project unfolded, my role expanded dramatically. I needed to:
  1. Realign Stakeholders:

    • Engage with internal leadership to address the misalignment between the initial brief and the actual scope

    • Collaborate with Operations to ensure we had the right mix of expertise on our team

  2. Reorient the Team:

    • Reset expectations with our team of six talented designers

    • Frame this sudden change as an exciting opportunity for innovation

  3. Implement Agile Project Management:

    • Flag potential timeline risks early to Product Managers

    • Establish a robust weekly tracking system to ensure timely delivery despite increased complexity

  4. Lead Rapid Conceptualization:

    • Initiate sketching and prototyping sessions

    • Personally contribute to design work to maintain momentum

    • Gather and incorporate quick feedback from key client stakeholders

  5. Develop Strategic Vision:

    • Create concepts that demonstrated clear pathways to operational cost reduction

    • Integrate AI capabilities to enhance patient targeting and resource allocation

    • Develop a long-term strategy for AI integration in healthcare technology

My daily interactions with the team of 1 Design Lead, 3 UX Designers, and 2 Visual Designers became crucial in steering this project towards success.


Our discovery phase revealed that our client, was grappling with challenges that ran far deeper than aesthetics:
  1. Inefficient processes driving up operational costs

  2. Suboptimal patient targeting methods leading to missed opportunities

  3. A glaring lack of AI integration in their operations

  4. The pressing need for a scalable, future-proof solution in a rapidly evolving healthcare landscape

To truly understand these challenges and their impact, we embraced a user-obsessed approach. We recognized that the platform's end users were diverse, including:
  • Account managers

  • Clinicians

  • Analysts

  • Sales representatives for program management

We conducted in-depth interviews with representatives from each of these groups, gaining invaluable insights into their daily workflows, pain points, and aspirations for the platform. This user-centric focus allowed us to uncover additional system issues:
  • Decentralized functions and information, increasing cognitive load

  • Time-consuming manual tasks prone to errors

  • Overly complex interfaces leading to user frustration

  • Multiple program dependencies causing system instability

  • Poor communication between components and external tools

Armed with these insights, we developed five key design tenets to address both user needs and business challenges:
  1. Unified and Integrated: Creating seamless interconnections across the platform and with external systems to centralize functions and streamline information flow.

  2. Automated & Insights-Driven: Streamlining processes with intelligent automation and data-driven decision-making to reduce operational costs and minimize errors.

  3. Personalized & Flexible: Offering tailored experiences and adaptable workflows to improve patient targeting and accommodate diverse user needs.

  4. Modular & Scalable: Designing for easy expansion and evolution to future-proof the solution and allow for seamless integration of new technologies, including AI.

  5. Real-Time Notifications: Delivering timely, relevant updates to boost engagement, improve resource allocation, and support informed decision-making across the platform.

We embraced a collaborative approach, transforming our weekly check-ins and rapid prototyping sessions into dynamic co-creation sessions with the client and representatives from each user group. This became a highlight for the client team, igniting their excitement as they witnessed their future product evolve before their eyes.

These weren't just ordinary meetings. They were launchpads for innovation, deep dives into possibilities, filled with passionate discussions, constructive feedback, and sometimes, necessary negotiations, where ideas from diverse perspectives collided. Every conversation brought us closer to a concept that truly embodied the product's vision.

Our rapid prototyping method allowed us to fail fast and learn faster. We created iterative designs and continuously validated them with end users, ensuring that each refinement brought us closer to a solution that not only met the client's business needs but also resonated with the people who would use it daily.

This user-obsessed, iterative approach allowed us to:

  • Tailor features and workflows to the specific needs of each user group

  • Identify and eliminate pain points in the current system

  • Ensure that the AI integration enhanced rather than complicated user experiences

  • Create a platform that was intuitive and efficient for all users, from tech-savvy analysts to time-pressed clinicians

This approach, fluid and adaptable, allowed us to navigate the complexities of the project while keeping the client's needs at the forefront. The result? A design that not only met but exceeded expectations, as evidenced by the glowing words from the Chief Operating Officer:

You've been able to, in short time, come in and understand what we're doing. And you got 90% of it. That is an amazing stellar work. Now there will definitely be things that we need to sort out, which we will do. I think you guys have knocked it out of the park. Because nobody even believed that this is going to be possible. So unbelievable amount of work, amazing engagement you guys have been very patient, right and work through this. So thank you.

By directly addressing each of the client's core challenges through our design principles and continuously validating our solutions with end users, we ensured that our final design was not just a visual refresh, but a comprehensive reimagining of their healthcare platform. This approach allowed us to tackle operational inefficiencies, improve patient targeting, integrate AI capabilities, and create a flexible system capable of evolving with the rapidly changing healthcare landscape - all while keeping the end users at the heart of every decision.


The AI-powered healthcare platform concept demonstrated significant potential:
  1. Strategic Vision and Innovation
    • Cost Reduction Potential: The concept illustrated clear pathways to streamline processes and lower operational expenses.

    • Enhanced Patient Targeting: Proposed methodologies showed promise for more effective patient engagement and resource allocation.

    • Future-Proofing Strategy: Laid a conceptual foundation for scalability and long-term AI integration in healthcare technology.

  2. Client Relationship and Business Growth
    • Client Acclaim: The concept received high praise, validating our innovative approach and understanding of the client's needs.

    • New Engagement Opportunities: Opened doors for additional projects and deeper collaboration discussions with the client.

    • Trusted Advisor Status: Established our team as a valuable partner in the client's strategic planning for digital transformation.

  3. Team and Expertise Showcase
    • Increased Team Recognition: The concept's success elevated our team's reputation within the organization and industry.

    • AI Design Expertise: Demonstrated our capabilities in conceptualizing AI-integrated design solutions, enhancing our competitive edge.

    • Vision Alignment: Showcased our ability to align technological innovations with the client's long-term business objectives.

This journey from a visual uplift to a comprehensive AI integration strategy offered invaluable lessons:
  1. Agility in Scope Definition: The ability to quickly identify and address misalignments in project scope is crucial for maximizing value creation.

  2. The Power of Rapid Prototyping: In uncharted territories, quick iterations and early stakeholder feedback are essential for course corrections and building client confidence.

  3. Transparent Leadership: Clear, open communication with the team is paramount when pivoting project direction, turning potential frustration into excitement for the challenge ahead.

  4. Hands-On Direction: As a leader, sometimes you need to roll up your sleeves and contribute directly to the design work, setting a standard of excellence for the team.

  5. AI as a Transformative Force: The project underscored the immense potential of AI in healthcare, not just for automation, but for reimagining entire systems to enhance patient care and operational efficiency.

In the end, this project wasn't just about delivering a design. It was about embracing uncertainty, fostering innovation, and ultimately, about transforming a challenge into an opportunity for groundbreaking work in healthcare technology.

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